
Lostwithiel U3A Bridge Group
Group  Contact -
Jenny MacDonald

01208 873933


June  2019
If I say that after six years we are still playing bridge at the same time each week, at the same venue and (mostly) the same people it would seem we are a boring way!
We play rubber bridge from 7 - 10pm with a refreshment break half way, when there's lots of chatter.  The latest members to join us find us a happy bunch and very helpful if anyone is unsure of their bidding.   We also have regular Bridge magazines and several teaching programmes available. 
If you think you may like to be part of this group please get in touch, it's good to welcome new U3A members.

October 2018
Several of our group went to Lerryn this weekend for a lovely lunch and a very well run rubber bridge event.  It was good to play against players of all levels and to meet other enthusiasts who play at local clubs.  This included members of Looe Valley U3A.

September 2018
Bridge evenings continue, now blessed with a new member, an experienced player who has had to take a break from the game.    We play at Jenny's home, but occasionally elsewhere, so if you would like to join us please contact Jenny initially.   We can accommodate one or two more players so, with dull winter evenings approaching, why not enquire?

February 2018
We have now celebrated our fifth birthday.  Though there have been losses and gains to our membership there are still a number of originals.   Thinking of 'original' our bidding can also be that way occasionally!  However we gently advise each other and consult our educational aids.
We are pleased to welcome a new member who recently joined Lostwithiel Area U3A
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Sept 2017
Wednesday evenings still see us having fun and extending our knowledge as we enjoy our good hands and lament our poor ones.
We would be pleased to welcome anyone of a similar standard who would like to join. 

January 2017
The Friday group designed for those who felt they would like a little support has now closed.
Wednesday evenings group continues to thrive with our rubber bridge, in our usual jocular manner, while learning  as we go.   Although we meet in a home situation we have room for one or two more of a similar playing standard, so happy to welcome you.
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October 2016
Wednesday evenings see us enjoying our rubber bridge sessions and furthering our knowledge.
We are happy to expand our group so new members would be very welcome.   Just contact Jenny initially to see if we would suit your level of play - we are a friendly bunch!
There is no bridge 12th and 19th October, back to normal 26th.

July  2016
The Friday group have taken a summer break but Wednesdays enthusiasts have kept going despite busy diaries.

April  2016
We welcomed one new lady to our Friday sessions, a card player but new to bridge.  Bidding is becoming less of a mystery and she's doing very well!  Lovely to have her with us.
Our Wednesday evenings are enjoyed as ever and hopefully we also improve!

February 2016
Our u3a's coffee morning went very well last Saturday, several members manned the bridge groups information point and there was plenty of interest resulting in prospective members.  We look forward to welcoming you.
We meet at 7pm every Wednesday.   Also currently on some afternoons for those wanting to play more slowly or review the bidding.
Phone Jenny for more details.

January 2016
We are almost three years old!
We were possibly the first group to be up and running when our u3a branch started up and the enthusiasm has not waned, though the friendly banter has increased!
Fancy joining us?


Brief Update September 2015

e are consistently enjoying playing every week. Two people have left and two joined over the last months.



Update February 2015

The group enjoy meeting for Rubber Bridge in a friendly relaxed atmosphere, where we support each other in improving our game.

We started the group almost immediately Lostwithiel  U3A  commenced and have both lost and gained  a few people, staying consistently at 14/15 members.

Anyone whose Acol bidding is rusty or has only got to grips with the rudiments of the game is welcome to give us 'a try' and will receive help and encouragement.   Learning programmes are also available.
If you are a better player please also join us and share your knowledge!

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