Page listing - "Subpage Listing" Telephone -01208 871284 Email - josechild(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk Our meetings are held monthly every 2nd Friday at 10.30am in the Platform meeting room, Lostwithiel Station. Update 11th November 2019 The topic for our meeting on Friday 13th Dec will be Humorous Poetry The topic for our meeting on Friday 11th October will be "The Sea" Update 26th August 2019 At our meeting on Friday 13th September we will be discussing the new Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage Update 10th July 2019 Image Credit: flickr/ jacquelinewtp (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)  The subject for Friday 12th July will be animals Update 25th February 2019 Jose writes "We are not having a meeting in March due to too many holidays so our next meeting will be 12th April. Our subject will be Sylvia Plath." Update 31st January 2019  W B Yeats is our next subject on Friday 8th February 2019 ********************* Update 18th December 2018  |